USGC Announces International Coarse Grains and Co-products Marketing Conference

Mark your calendars for the U.S. Grains Council’s International Coarse Grains and Co-products Marketing Conference to be held October 7-8, 2010, in Chicago. The Council is organizing this conference to bring U.S. coarse grains and co-products producers and marketers face-to-face with their major export customers. The Council will bring approximately 140 key foreign buyers to the two-day conference that will focus on issues relating to the international trade of U.S. coarse grains and their co-products.

Speakers and panelists will address the following topics:

• Outlook for U.S. and world grains and oilseeds;
• Outlook for the U.S. ethanol industry;
• Nutritional and economic factors for the use of DDGS and corn gluten in animal rations;
• Issues for DDGS – transportation, consistency, safety, etc.;
• Risk management for DDGS and other co-products;
• Outlook and opportunities for sorghum, barley and specialty products;
• International trade issues, including market access, biotechnology, safety, sustainability; and
• Export customer panel.

International participants will include buyers, trading companies, importers, feed mill managers and nutritionists, and major end-users by invitation from USGC staff. U.S. participants will include interested ethanol producers, DDGS marketing companies, export trading companies, wet millers, and producers of corn, sorghum, barley and their co-products.

For more information, contact Marri Carrow, USGC manager of communications, at 202-789-0789.