Register Today to Network with International Buyers and End-Users

Preparations are ramping up for Export Exchange 2014, the premier international trade conference focused on the export of U.S. coarse grains and co-products, including distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS).

“We are bringing in 180 customers from around the world to this event to meet with their U.S. suppliers,” said U.S. Grains Council President and CEO Tom Sleight. “Right now the list is up to 80 companies alone that are expected, and that list grows every day.”

The conference is scheduled for Oct. 20-22 at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel. The effort is co-sponsored by the U.S. Grains Council and the Renewable Fuels Association.

“The whole idea of Export Exchange 2014 is to maximize networking opportunities so business can be done,” Sleight said. “It’s where key contacts, both internationally and domestically, can come and meet the people they do business with on a daily basis.

Export Exchange 2014 will be the fourth event of its type, typically held every two years. Regular registration for the event ends on Sept. 22. USGC and RFA members are eligible for discounted pricing and should identify themselves as such at the time of registration.

Click play below to listen to Sleight talk about this dynamic conference.