I-LEAD Team Gets Firsthand Look at Korea, Vietnam Export Markets

The U.S. Grains Council showcased the agricultural export markets of Korea and Vietnam to members of the Iowa Corn Leadership Enhancement and Development (I-LEAD) program as an I-LEAD team traveled to Asia for a two-week international trade mission March 11-22. I-LEAD, a two-year program led by the Iowa Corn Promotion Board and the Iowa Corn Growers Association, provides men and women from Iowa with the tools they need to succeed as leaders and spokespeople for agriculture. This year’s mission focused on export market development for four of the state’s agricultural products: corn, soybeans, pork and beef. 

While in South Korea, the team met with USGC Director in Korea Mr. Byong Ryol Min. They also toured a local beef farm, met with local importers and visited with officials at the Agricultural Trade Office. One thing I-LEAD participants learned while in Korea was that food demand is expanding in the country while the amount of available land to raise crops and livestock is decreasing.

“In 2009, South Korea imported $19.8 billion worth of agriculture products, 23.6 percent of which was from the United States,� said I-LEAD Class member Neil Bouray. “As their demand for food grows, the United States and Iowa have an excellent opportunity to export more to them, especially if the Korea Free Trade Act is passed.�

While in Vietnam, the team met with USGC Regional Director in Southeast Asia Adel Yusupov and USGC Country Representative Mr. Tran Trong Chien. Activities included a tour of a feed mill, a visit to a swine farm and a local aquaculture farm and a firsthand look at the country’s import system at Interflour Port. In particular, I-LEAD members learned about market development opportunities for distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS), a co-product of ethanol production.

“Vietnam’s population continues to grow as does their demand for meat products,� said Chris Edgington, I-LEAD class member and farmer. “Feed costs are high for livestock producers, and DDGS from Iowa offers a low-cost feed ingredient.�

A more detailed account of the team’s trip to Korea and Vietnam can be found on the I-LEAD trip blog, http://ileadclass4.wordpress.com.

Written by Jodi Kiely, USGC Contributing Writer