Chinese Agricultural Expert to Speak at USGC 50th Anniversary Meeting

Mr. Hanver Li is scheduled as the Monday luncheon speaker at the U.S. Grains Council’s 50th Annual Board of Delegates Meeting, to be held July 19-21, 2010.

Li is the chairman and chief consultant of Shanghai JC Intelligence Co. Ltd. (JCI), a Chinese consulting company that specializes in research and consultation on industry development, market evolvement and price movement in relation to grains, oils and feedstuffs.

JCI established the “JCI-style� method of analysis, which incorporates influencing factors on major agricultural commodities and many mathematical models. JCI information is highly regarded by well-known international investors, government departments and international trading houses.

“In light of the evolving market development opportunities in China, we find Mr. Li’s insight quite helpful and consistent with what is occurring,� said Thomas C. Dorr, USGC president and CEO. “We are looking forward to hearing Mr. Li’s presentation.�

Li has served as directors in different grain, feedstuff and oil companies, in addition to positions in the local government since 1974. In 1993, he was assigned by Charoen Pokphand Group as assistant vice president in its Beijing Headquarters, specializing in research on international trade and information related to the agricultural industry. After resigning from that position in November 2001, Li, joined by other investors, established JCI.

To learn more about the meeting or to register, click here.