USGC Promotes U.S. Sorghum in Japan

Consumers in Japan are among the most health conscious in the world, and the U.S. Grains Council actively promotes the health benefits of consuming food sorghum from the United States in this market. Last week, the U.S. Grains Council participated in the Health Ingredients Show in Japan, showcasing food products made from U.S. sorghum.

“Colored sorghum from the United States contains antioxidants,” said Tommy Hamamoto, USGC director in Japan. “Those products are really good for the Japanese market where consumers are extremely health conscious.”

During the show, the Council also demonstrated food products made from white sorghum. Hamamoto believes U.S. white sorghum food products will gain popularity in the Japanese market.

“The Health Ingredients Show spanned three days, and approximately 30,000 people visited the USGC booth,” Hamamoto said. “Our goal is for activities like this to drum up new business and sales for U.S. sorghum for food use.”

Click play below to hear more from Tommy about this important trade show in Japan.