By: Cesar Diaz, U.S. Grains Council marketing specialist for the Americas
The Mexican brewing industry anticipates continuing growth in demand over the next ten years. In fact Mexico is currently the largest U.S. malting barley export market, and further demand growth creates an opportunity that the U.S. Grains Council is aggressively pursuing.
Mexican buyers, quality control and research and develop representatives continue to examine at U.S. varieties, evaluations, research and price to visualize the best opportunity.
To assist in this evaluation, the Council escorted a small Mexican malting barley team through the barley belt to discuss crop conditions and marketing opportunities, and to build a contact base with barley producers. The team also attended a micro-brewing conference to learn about new trends in the U.S. micro-brewing industry.
The craft beer industry in Mexico is in its infant stage but has shown a tremendous growth potential during the last four years, going from a small number of plants to more than 100 today. It is expected that this trend will continue which will create additional demand for barley malt.
Mexican malting barley imports have increased about 65 percent in just one year. This fast paced growth has given the Council the perfect opportunity to promote U.S. barley to the Mexican brewing industry.