US Chief Ag Negotiator to Speak at USGC Anniversary Meeting

Ambassador Islam A. Siddiqui, chief agricultural negotiator for the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), will address more than 300 attendees during the U.S. Grains Council’s 50th Annual Board of Delegates Meeting July 19, 2010. The Ambassador is responsible for bilateral and multilateral negotiations and policy coordination regarding agricultural trade.

“We are pleased to have Ambassador Siddiqui speak to our membership about the happenings in the international marketplace,� said Thomas C. Dorr, USGC president and CEO. “He is in a key position in world trade negotiations and his insight will be of great benefit.�

Prior to his post at USTR, Ambassador Siddiqui served as vice president for science and regulatory affairs at CropLife America. There he was tasked with regulatory and international trade issues related to crop protection chemicals.

Want to see and hear the Ambassador’s remarks? Videos and presentations of the meeting speakers will be available on the Council’s website, thanks to a sponsorship from CLAAS of America Inc.

To find more information about the meeting and its speakers or to register, click here.