Register for the USGC International Distillers Grains Workshop held in Southeast Asia

The U.S. Grains Council, in partnership with USDA’ s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), is sponsoring a DDGS seminar and trade conference in Southeast Asia July 29-Aug. 11, 2010. The Council extends an invitation to U.S. DDGS exporters and producers to attend this seminar to initiate face-to-face introductions with foreign end-users and importers.

The Southeast Asia Road Show will focus on DDGS promotion in the growing poultry (broiler, layer, duck) feed sector. Participants will visit four markets: the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, where seminars, technical workshops and one-on-one consultations will be held. The program in Thailand will be a part of the SEA Feed Quality Conference. The target audience includes local traders, independent feed milling companies, integrators and large poultry producers with on-farm mixing capabilities. The program will serve as a platform for information exchange as well as buyer and seller interaction. 

The Council will assist members with hotel arrangements, but travel and hotel costs will be the responsibility of the participant. The Council and FAS will pay for the seminars, reception, marketing materials and translators.

If interested in attending, please contact Kimberly Karst at or 202-326-0637