Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey to be Sent to Members

Every two years the U.S. Grains Council endeavors to formally capture the insights and opinions of its members through its Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey. This online survey helps the Council ensure that it is meeting the needs and expectations of its members. The 2010 survey will be e-mailed to all Council delegates and board members of state checkoff organizations next week.

To ensure the survey results together in time to present to the Board of Delegates at the upcoming meeting in July, it is important that members complete the survey before June 11.

The Board of Directors will use the data collected to plot the course of the Council as it moves forward. Member input is invaluable to the continued success of these efforts. Individual responses will not be identified and confidentiality will be maintained. Stakeholders are urged to answer the questions as completely and honestly as possible.

As in past years, the Council is honored to have the Marketing Research Department at GROWMARK, Inc. assisting us with this important tool.

If you have any questions, contact Shannon Schaffer, USGC director of membership, at 202-326-0607 or e-mail