Kevin Latner Named U.S. Grains Council China Director

Kevin Latner joins the U.S. Grains Council as the new director of its China office located in Beijing. With 14 years of experience working with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service, specifically 10 years in Asia and 5 in China, Latner will oversee the Council’s programs in the country as part of its mission of Developing Markets, Enabling Trade, Improving Lives.

“Kevin’s background will be a tremendous benefit to the Council’s work in China,� said Alan Tiemann of the Nebraska Corn Board and board liaison to the USGC Asia Programs. “We are happy to have him with us as his business leadership and trade promotion experience will be incredibly valuable to the Council’s work in this important market.�

Having previously served as a director of one of USDA’s Agricultural Trade Offices in China, Latner’s track record includes business development and trade facilitation in Japan and China. He has worked to identify international market expansion and new market opportunities for U.S. agricultural interests by specializing in trade negotiation and analysis as well as market assessment and government network development.

“U.S. farmers look to the U.S. Grains Council to support their export efforts, and I am honored to be able to do this,� Latner said of his new role at the Council.
Major issues for the Council in China include supporting Chinese consumers’ growing demand for high quality animal protein, which Latner said will be addressed by further work with local producers and industry specialists in the Council’s goal of marketing the U.S. advantage.

As the U.S. Grains Council remains hopeful for a long-term trade relationship with China following recent corn export sales to the country, it is imperative the Council continues to maintain a strong presence in the region on behalf of the producers it represents.

Written by Jodi Kiely, USGC Contributing Writer