Audio: USGC Chairman Talks Why TPP Matters To U.S. Farmers

U.S. Grains Council (USGC) Chairman and Nebraska farmer Alan Tiemann was interviewed this week by the National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) about the importance of the pending Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.

“Like all trade agreements, TPP reduces barriers,� Tiemann said. “It also address the non-tariff trade barriers, which are nagging and logistical items that can be bigger problems for trade than tariffs in some places.�

The TPP member countries include some of fastest growing middle classes, which will soon demand even more meat, dairy and eggs that are produced using grains, according to Tiemann. TPP is critical for U.S. farmers looking to gain access to those potential customers for U.S. coarse grains and co-products.

“The agreement is also a platform we can build on,� Tiemann said. “Right now there are 12 partners in TPP but several other countries, like Colombia and the Philippines, want to join.�

As these markets become more open, the Council stands ready with market development programs to help local buyers maximize the advantage of purchasing U.S. grains. USGC staff and representatives work every day to educate customers on the advantages of U.S. corn, barley, sorghum and their co-products including ethanol.

“TPP will give us more of these market opportunities, which ultimately benefits American agriculture,â€� Tiemann said.

The TPP agreement was signed by the 12 member nations earlier this month, and now each country must approve the deal to implement it. Approval in the United States will take time as it is still unclear when the U.S. Congress will consider the deal.

Click here to read past Global Update articles on TPP.