Sponsorship Opportunities Available For Export Exchange 2024

Save the date!

The U.S. Grains Council’s (USGC’s) next Export Exchange will be held on Oct. 7-9, 2024, in Fort Worth, TX.

Export Exchange allows international attendees the opportunity to build relationships with U.S. suppliers of distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS), corn, sorghum, barley and other commodities, resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars in grain sales.

Following Export Exchange 2022, attendees reported sales of just over $225 million with another $128 million under negotiation at the time, equating to 514,850 metric tons of grains and co-products traded either at the conference or immediately before or after.

The last event brought together more than 200 international buyers and end-users of coarse grains and co-products from more than 50 countries. Are you interested in being a part of this major networking event? Become an exhibitor or sponsor at this year’s upcoming event by completing the form here.

Export Exchange 2022 Leads To $225 Million In Grain and Co-Product Sales

The Export Exchange conference hosted this fall by the U.S. Grains Council (USGC), Growth Energy and the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) is already paying dividends, according to surveys of overseas grain buyers who attended – they purchased $225 million worth of grain and ethanol co-product.
Buyers and end-users were surveyed after the conference to see if they had made any purchase agreements with sellers and if so, how much was purchased. In total, attendees reported sales of just over $225 million with another $128 million under negotiation. That equates to 514,850 metric tons of grains and co-products traded either at the conference or immediately before or after.
The top grain traded during the two-day conference was corn, with 208,800 metric tons collectively purchased, followed by distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS), with 156,400 metric tons purchased.
Export Exchange 2022 offered attendees a unique opportunity to meet and build relationships with domestic suppliers of corn, DDGS, sorghum, barley and other commodities. More than 200 international buyers and end-users of coarse grains and co-products from more than 35 countries were in Minneapolis for the conference, held Oct. 12 to 14, and for related tours of U.S. farms, ethanol plants and export infrastructure as part of Council trade teams.
“Trade is absolutely critical to U.S. farmers right now, and these sales show that buyers attending Export Exchange 2022 took the buying opportunities very seriously,” said Ryan LeGrand, president and CEO of the Council. “Putting buyers and sellers together, building and sustaining relationships with our top global grain buyers have been hallmarks of Council activities worldwide. We are thrilled to see how much actual trade was done at the show and in association with it.”
“Exports of U.S. grains and DDGS create jobs here at home while helping international companies satisfy their demand for quality products,” said Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor. “The impressive amount of business generated at this year’s Export Exchange is a testament to the strength and ingenuity of U.S. producers and shows just how important this biennial event is to facilitating trade for U.S. products.”
“Once again, these numbers show that Export Exchange is where international buyers and sellers go to do business,” said RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper. “In just three days, buyers purchased enough DDGS to fill three Panamax vessels. We are proud to offer this excellent deal-making opportunity every two years.”
Other grains traded at Export Exchange included:
• Corn Gluten Meal—24,250 metric tons;
• Soybean Meal – 77,000 metric tons;
• Soybeans – 22,000 metric tons.
The Export Exchange conference provides an ideal forum for continued relationship building among trading partners. The conference is held every two years and will next be held in 2024. More information about the recent event is online at www.exportexchange.org.

Export Exchange 2022 Speakers Talk Advantages of U.S. Corn, Co-Products and Sorghum

Minneapolis — The advantages of buying U.S. corn, co-products and sorghum were on tap today at Export Exchange 2022, where nearly 500 international buyers and domestic suppliers gathered to examine the U.S. value chain for grains.
“From competitively priced corn to protein-rich distiller’s grains and being the largest supplier of sorghum in the world, U.S. grains stand head and shoulders above the rest, and our commodities export system is one of the most efficient in the world,” said the leaders of the U.S. Grains Council, Growth Energy and the Renewable Fuels Association, in a joint statement. “It’s easy to replace or substitute shipments, our contracts are forward-based and include risk management and no one ever has to wonder about the price. These are U.S. advantages that our global competitors cannot offer.”
The three organizations co-sponsored the event.
Speakers during the last day of the event illustrated numerous reasons why U.S. commodities offer the best advantage to global buyers and how its scalable and transparent export system provides direct access to satisfy grain needs around the world.
Topics during today’s general sessions, covered by top experts in their fields, included:
– “Poultry, Pork and Beef Meat Economic Outlook” – Brett Stuart, Global AgriTrends
– “Sorghum – The Right Choice” – Norma Ritz-Johnson, United Sorghum Checkoff Program
– “Advantages of Buying U.S. Corn” – Dr. Alvaro Garcia, South Dakota State University; Shane Mueller, North Dakota State University; Dr. Vijay Singh, University of Illinois
– “High Protein DDGS and Corn Fermented Protein Nutritional Overview” – Dr. Jerry Shurson, University of Minnesota
Export Exchange 2022 allows buyers and sellers of U.S. corn, distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS), sorghum and other commodities to network, talk shop and gain a better understanding of the needs of buyers around the world and the caliber of supply the U.S. provides.
As Export Exchange ends, 11 pre-event teams will return to their home countries after having experienced harvest and the U.S. value chain firsthand, while 10 additional trade teams will head to corn-growing states to see advanced farming operations, explore DDGS production at ethanol plants, view port facilities and more so they may build their networks with U.S. suppliers, rounding out their time in the United States.
More information is available at www.exportexchange.org or on social media at #ExEx22.

Export Exchange 2022 Spotlights Opportunity for Global Grain Trade

Minneapolis — A global audience of approximately 500 buyers and suppliers of U.S. coarse grains and co-products kicked off a full day of learning and networking at the Export Exchange 2022 in Minneapolis, sponsored by the U.S. Grains Council (USGC), Growth Energy and the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA). Among the top speakers on Thursday were Minnesota Ag Commissioner Thom Petersen and USDA Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Ag Relations Jason Hafemeister.
In his presentation, Petersen spoke of the importance of global trade at the state level, noting how Minnesota established an office in Taiwan that recently helped secure the sale of $2.7 billion in corn and soy products to that country. “We’ve built some great relationships, we had some delegations here over the past few weeks, Peru, Colombia, the Philippines,” he said. “I think that’s really opened up doors and I can see the value of these discussions around trade.”
Hafemeister spoke of the importance of global trade for reducing overall extreme poverty, how innovations have increased crop yields, and how the global trade map has shifted over the last several decades.
“If we don’t have open markets, we won’t have the investment needed to do the research and solve new problems,” Hafemeister said. “If the markets aren’t open, our farmers can’t adopt new ideas to sell into those markets. We can’t discriminate against techniques that stifle development and shut out producers.”
“We are pleased that both speakers set the tone for this exciting meeting,” said USGC President and CEO Ryan LeGrand. “They provided not only a localized perspective on the ag sector here in Minnesota, but also provided the larger national view of the U.S. and global grains market.”
“This week has been an exciting opportunity to network and build relationships that will last into the future,” said Growth Energy Senior Vice President of Market Development Mike Lorenz. “The content in the presentations has been very informative and relevant given all the trade challenges we are facing in today’s market from supply issues to logistics.”
“It was great to see this event kick off with so much enthusiasm,” said RFA Vice President for Technical and Regulatory Affairs Kelly Davis. “It has been four years since the last event, but the high level of interest in Export Exchange for networking and connecting across markets continues as if there was no gap. Today’s presentations helped everyone understand the global dynamics at play during this period of abnormal inflation and continuing post-pandemic logistics challenges.”
Also on the agenda Thursday was:
• a WASDE report overview by Reece Cannady of the USGC,
• a review of inflation, monetary policy and commodities by Arlan Suderman of StoneX,
• a shipping and logistics overview by Jay O’Neil of HJ O’Neil Commodity Consulting,
• a DDGS Global production, supply and demand briefing by Matt Fitzthum of CHS,
• a pet food outlook from Lisa Schole of Evolve Consulting; and
• a look at aquafeed demand by USGC’s Ronnie Tan.
Taking place biannually, Export Exchange offers attendees an unparalleled opportunity to meet and build relationships with domestic suppliers of corn, distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS), sorghum, barley and other commodities. The global buyers have been broken down into 20 trade teams that have either been in the United States ahead of Export Exchange or will continue their visits after the event to see corn-growing states during harvest, explore DDGS production at ethanol plants, view port facilities and more as they build their networks with U.S. suppliers.
The conference runs through Friday at the Hilton Minneapolis. More information is available at www.exportexchange.org or on social media at #ExEx22.

Ag Buyers, Suppliers Head to Minneapolis for Export Exchange 2022

Minneapolis — More than 200 international buyers and end-users of coarse grains and co-products from more than 50 countries are arriving in Minneapolis for Export Exchange 2022, ready to meet with nearly 300 U.S. suppliers and service providers across the value chain.
Co-sponsored by the U.S. Grains Council (USGC), Growth Energy and the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), Export Exchange 2022 offers attendees an unparalleled opportunity to meet and build relationships with domestic suppliers of corn, distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS), sorghum, barley and other commodities.
“At a time when there is a clear need for international trade, Export Exchange is critical for our industry,” said Ryan LeGrand, president and CEO of the U.S. Grains Council. “It is essential for us to strengthen the bonds between suppliers and partner countries, and the connections made this week will not only help propel our industry this year, but for years to come.”
“We’re excited to welcome U.S. producers and international grain buyers to Minneapolis this week for face-to-face business and relationship building and an opportunity to share the important role ethanol and its coproducts, like DDGS, play in countries across the globe and in supporting agriculture,” said Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor.
“It’s been a pleasure to be part of this key event from the very beginning, when we saw the need to strengthen the global marketplace for distiller’s grains,” said RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper. “The growth in trade since then—with U.S. distiller’s grains now reaching across the globe—is a testament both to the value and quality of our product and the hard work of so many to build connections on behalf of the ethanol industry.”
The global buyers have been broken down into 20 trade teams that have either been in the United States ahead of Export Exchange or will continue their visits after the event to see corn-growing states during harvest, explore DDGS production at ethanol plants, view port facilities and more as they build their networks with U.S. suppliers.
The conference runs through Friday at the Hilton Minneapolis. More information is available at www.exportexchange.org or on social media at #ExEx22.

Make Reservations Today For Export Exchange 2022: Hotel Cutoff Is Sept. 13

Co-sponsored by the U.S. Grains Council (USGC), Growth Energy and the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), Export Exchange 2022 is scheduled for Oct. 12-14 at the Hilton Minneapolis in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
U.S. suppliers of coarse grains and co-products, industry representatives and members of the grain trade are eligible to receive Export Exchange 2022’s group discount at the Hilton Minneapolis. To take advantage of this discount, hotel reservations must be made before the Tuesday, Sept. 13 cutoff using this link. They can register for the event here.
This biennial event brings together international buyers and end-users of coarse grains and co-products, including distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS), with U.S. suppliers and agribusiness representatives. Export Exchange generates sales on a global scale, and relationships built at this conference help build future demand for grains in overseas markets.
In addition to networking opportunities, the conference will feature general sessions that will address critical issues facing U.S. agricultural exports, offering customers and sellers in attendance an increased awareness of the benefits of U.S. coarse grains and co-products. View the conference agenda here.
USGC, Growth Energy and RFA members will be eligible for discounted registration pricing and should identify themselves as such when registering. Reporters or members of the media wishing to cover Export Exchange are eligible for complimentary registration by sending an email to info@exportexchange.org and asking for the registration code.
More information will be distributed in the coming weeks to members of the grains industries and will be made available online at www.exportexchange.org or on social media using the hashtag #ExEx22. Those interested in receiving conference updates should email info@exportexchange.org.


Export Exchange 2022 Speakers Highlight Global Ag Export and Supply Chain

The U.S. Grains Council (USGC), Growth Energy and the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) are pleased to announce that the organizations have confirmed a cadre of high-profile speakers for Export Exchange 2022, Oct. 12-14.  

Early registration for members, non-members and international buyers ends Sunday, Aug. 7, so attendees are encouraged to register before then.  

“Our speakers will bring a fresh perspective to Export Exchange, speak to the burgeoning international grains market and the trends and future of it from the supply chain perspective,” the sponsors shared jointly. “We look forward to hosting all of them to gain unique insight into the state of the industry.  

“DDGS and other co-products are a vitally important part of the global feed market and provide a value-added market for the U.S. ethanol industry. In fact, nearly one out of every three tons of distillers grains produced last year was exported. Export Exchange will help connect producers and marketers of these co-products with users around the globe.”  

While speakers are still being added to the roster, the line-up at this time includes:  
– Policy Opportunities and Challenges, Jason Hafemeister, U.S. Department of Agriculture
– Financial Outlook, Arlan Suderman, StoneX
– Shipping Overview, Jay O’Neil, Kansas State University
– High Protein DDGS, Kurt Rosentrater, Iowa State University – Aquaculture Outlook, Ronnie Tan, U.S. Grains Council
– Red Meat Outlook, Brett Stuart, Global AgriTrends
– Sorghum – The Right Choice, Norma Ritz-Johnson, United Sorghum Checkoff Program  

The meeting’s tentative agenda can be found here: https://grains-ms.matrixdev.net/export-exchange/agenda/  

Held every other year and sponsored by the Council, RFA and Growth Energy, Export Exchange brings together international buyers and U.S. sellers of distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS), as well as other feed grain products. The conference in Minneapolis is expected to attract more than 350 attendees, including 150 from 50 countries participating as part of USGC trade teams.  

More information about ExEx 2022, including registration details, is available at www.exportexchange.org or on social media using the hashtag #ExEx22.  

Members of the media covering the grain trade and ethanol industries can request waived registration for the conference via the registration process.  

Those interested in receiving conference updates should send an email to info@exportexchange.org.

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Registration Now Open For Export Exchange 2022

The U.S. Grains Council (USGC), Growth Energy and the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) encourage U.S. suppliers of coarse grains and co-products, industry representatives and members of the grain trade to register now for Export Exchange 2022, scheduled for October 12-14, 2022, in Minneapolis.

Registration is available online via www.exportexchange.org.

The biennial event, co-sponsored by the three organizations, is expected to bring together 200 international buyers and end-users of coarse grains and co-products, including distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS), with approximately 300 U.S. suppliers and agribusiness representatives.

Council, Growth Energy and RFA members are eligible for discounted pricing and should identify themselves as such at the time of registration.

“Export Exchange is uniquely focused on connecting international grain buyers with U.S. suppliers,” said Chad Willis, USGC chairman and farmer from Minnesota. “We are excited to have members of the export industry join us and so many of our customers in Minneapolis this fall to learn the latest about U.S. exports and how to purchase.”

In addition to networking opportunities, the event will focus on timely topics related to exports of U.S. corn, sorghum, barley, DDGS and related products.

“After two years of cancelled Export Exchanges due to the pandemic, we’re excited to welcome U.S. producers and international grain buyers to Minneapolis for the 2022 Export Exchange and offer face-to-face business and relationship-building opportunities,” said Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor. “Today, our industry produces nearly 40 million tons of DDGS and exports more than 11 million tons to nearly 70 countries around the world. The Export Exchange is a chance to promote these products and take them to new markets across the globe.”

While the 2020 event was interrupted by COVID-19, reported sales associated with Export Exchange 2018 included approximately 1.3 million metric tons of grains and co-products worth $403 million traded either at the conference or immediately before or after.

“Over the past few decades, DDGS has evolved into an invaluable component of the global animal feed market. Today, one out of every three tons of DDGS produced in the United States is exported to customers around the world,” said RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper. “Export Exchange offers unparalleled opportunities for face-to-face engagement between U.S. producers and existing and potential DDGS customers.”

Related to the event, the Council sponsors trade teams from more than 30 countries to participate in tours before and after the main conference.

More information will be distributed in the coming months to members of the grains industries and will be made available online at www.exportexchange.org or on social media using the hashtag #ExEx22. Those interested can sign up for a mailing list to automatically receive conference updates by emailing info@exportexchange.org.


Dates Announced for Export Exchange 2022

A joint statement from U.S. Grains Council President and CEO Ryan LeGrand, Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor and the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) President Geoff Cooper regarding the Export Exchange 2022, Oct. 12-14, 2022 in Minneapolis, Minnesota:

“COVID dictated we cancel Export Exchange in 2020, and sadly, we have officially canceled it once again for 2021. However, we are excited to offer Export Exchange in 2022. This premier event allows overseas attendees the opportunity to build relationships with U.S. suppliers of distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS), corn, sorghum, barley and other commodities, resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars in grain sales. We look forward to addressing issues facing U.S. exports, including market dynamics, trade policy, risk management and other timely topics as we educate global buyers and build awareness of U.S. grains and co-products.”

Export Exchange, the biennial event co-sponsored by the Council, RFA and Growth Energy, is expected to bring together 200 international buyers and end-users of coarse grains and co-products, including DDGS, with approximately 300 U.S. suppliers and agribusiness representatives.

More information will be distributed in the coming months to members of the grains industries and will be made available online at www.exportexchange.org.



Bryan Jernigan, U.S. Grains Council, bjernigan@grains.org

Leigh Claffey, Growth Energy, lclaffey@growthenergy.org

Ken Colombini, Renewable Fuels Association, kcolombini@ethanolrfa.org

Export Exchange 2020 Postponed to 2021

A joint statement from U.S. Grains Council President and CEO Ryan LeGrand, Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor and the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) President Geoff Cooper regarding the postponement of Export Exchange 2020 to October 6-8, 2021 at the Loews Kansas City:

“As a result of the coronavirus and our concern for the safety of our attendees who travel from around the globe to come to this event, we’ve decided to postpone Export Exchange until the same time next year. Doing so will ensure we will have an event on par with the caliber of the meetings our guests have come to expect – without the specter of COVID-19.”

Export Exchange, the biennial event co-sponsored by the Council, RFA and Growth Energy, is expected to bring together 200 international buyers and end-users of coarse grains and co-products, including distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS), with approximately 300 U.S. suppliers and agribusiness representatives.

More information will be distributed in the coming months to members of the grains industries and will be made available online at www.exportexchange.org.



Bryan Jernigan, U.S. Grains Council, bjernigan@grains.org
Leigh Claffey, Growth Energy, lclaffey@growthenergy.org
Ken Colombini, Renewable Fuels Association, kcolombini@ethanolrfa.org